Eve Hall
Eve's Photo

Evelyn (Eve) Hall is an author & poet, residing in, Florida. She has published several books, but have written over a dozen books for children.

One of her goals is to publish over a dozen books she has written for children. Her target is all children, but especially the African-American community, which she feels so sorely needs to be tapped and addressed. She is in search of a publisher for all of her books.

You may order her books at: http://myseashellbooks.com/books/dontays-alphabet-book-color/.

You can contact Ms. Hall via e-mail at cagedbird4u@yahoo.com or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Eve Hall


Agony, Not Ecstasy
Body Language
It's Over
Our Lost Warrior

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