There are stages to a T.H.U.G.
The first stage is "the realization" where reality breaks..."
the illusion" to the conditions of ones "mind"...
Therefore the second stage to the minds eye
of a T.H.U.G is realism, and only realism.
The third stage to a T.H.U.G is the truth,
the totality of the truth its very own self.
And the final stage is the soul; divinity to mind.
The true awakening of ones very own God-consciousness.
The purpose of ones soul to God oneself.
Be warned I tell you, because a prophet (re)-appears
in many forms that one simply would not believe standing right before you.
And to my real "niggas" still lost
on the street corners, in the projects, prison camps,
wherever your mind and the purpose of time takes you...
Remember that, if nothing at all, because the Goddamn truth.
Arise you gods, all the way with the truth its very own self,
because God oneself is the truth that forever lived within.
The only mirror for the mind to get lost within...