Honesty Lives Deeper Than "The Truth"

by Kevin D. Ervin

Honesty is the truth that arises from within with the ever-presence of time... 
Honesty lives deeper than "the mask" in "the truth"... 
For those listeners who are honest, and dare to remain "there"... 
Be warned because your honesty is a direct threat 
to those living the life-style of a lie... 
All scream the convenience in God, but there are but two that walks the earth... 
Children of honesty, of God oneself, and children that will also forever be... 
In the children of man's of a mans manipulative "mind", period.

Honesty Lives Deeper Than "The Truth" by Kevin D. Ervin

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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