God Is All

by Kevin D. Ervin

God is all, the ever-presence of ever-present truth. 
Therefore God was always "there" in truth... 
Only one must be able to admit ones own fault(s) to mind 
to see the truth that never actually went anywhere... 
It is as many of our elders say, as said unto me, as well... 
While standing-sinking in quick sand, 
and you have denied the trees trunk, the trees branch... 
Accept the mere straw like limb of the tree, 
for it is just as good, 
just as strong as the root(s) of "the tree" 
its' very own self... 
Do not be afraid to be right, do not...be afraid to be wrong. 
For fear does not actually mix with the ever-presence of God oneself... 
Remembrance is key to wisdom, to unlocking ones very own mind...
thus ones very own reality. 
Into the ever-presence of reality, 
which is the "all" that there actually is...

God Is All by Kevin D. Ervin

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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