My Hair

by Enigma

My hair has a little wave to it
My love enjoys running her hands through it
I got this hair from my daddy
I don't really know where he got it from
They say I've got "good hair"
But then I ask
What exactly is "good hair?"
Some call theirs
Some call theirs
Texture, condition
Coarse, brittle
What exactly makes "good hair?"
Does it take a perm
Or perhaps maybe a weave
Cornrolls, braids, twists
Dreadlocks, finger waves and fades
Do these make "good hair?"
I got this hair from my daddy
My daddy must've gotten his from his people
Beautiful black people
I got this hair from my people
My people have good hair.

My Hair by Enigma

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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