Joey's Love

by LykeButta

To be loved


without question

so fully

and so deeply,

is completely

foreign to me.

Something to never be 

taken for granted,

this seed of 


has been planted

and I know I cannot

live happily 

without you.

Where did you 

Come from?

The man with

eyes so deep 

I lose myself in

the depths

of their infinite


Whose laugh

compels me to 

dig deep and release

my own joy,

and fell the iron walls

surrounding my 

barely beating, 

lonesome heart.

Whose wisdom

beyond his years,

allows me to imagine

a life beyond the one 

I’ve always known.

To be loved 


without question

so wholly

and entirely

unfamiliar to me.

Your love

to never be

taken for granted,

the seed of adoration

lovingly planted,

and I know

there is no living 

happily without you. 


Joey's Love by LykeButta

© Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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