I Thought I Knew

by Ebony Breeze

I thought I knew the meaning of unconditional love
until I remembered that You gave Your only Son
I thought that words of love would always be spoken
I now know that the words spoken to my soul speak the loudest of all
even if they come in the form of a whisper
or no sounds at all
I thought Your angels had halos and wings
until You surrounded me with people who love me
and keep me in the game
Your angels in disguise
when my angel you took away
I was sure Your heart had grown cold
now I finally realize an act of mercy
does not always come in so pretty a package
I feared my sins were too many to forgive
and my thoughts too impure
yet You’ve continually blessed me with your mercies
I thought everlasting life was just a dream
until I caught a heavenly glimpse of my beloved
walking her streets of gold
all this time I thought I was the strong one
that my strength was me alone
I now know that I am strong because of You
through You
and in spite of satan
I use to think my life was meaningless
but every day I hear the words ‘I love you’
while I was busy locking up my heart
You quietly walked behind me and destroyed the rest of my keys
I have nowhere else to hide
and my heart is finally open
so what’s my next step, Lord 
I thought I knew who I was
thought I knew You, too
I don’t know what I thought I knew
I know it
but not through my eyes
through Your vision
it’s all so new
but it finally feels so right
I know that You live in me

I Thought I Knew by Ebony Breeze

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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