As I take a seat,
I hear frustrated voices
saying that "things are just not right",
that "something must be done",
angered because they have to struggle and fight,
our people are being treated "dead wrong",
but at the end of everyday they find themselves
singing the same ole' song
From the corner, I heard a comment that
as a people we "must not settle
and racial discrimination
has gone on for way too long",
a sudden hush falls over the demonstration
and rage silently encircles the room,
words are stated with much disdain
within not one person can peace be found
the remarks turn surprisingly inhumane
each one followed by cheers and applause in rounds;
"400+ years of oppression"
shouted a brother from across the room
his voice emitting aggression
provoking all within his range
I hear strong agreement from the group,
lingering or blaming things on the past
has survived this long,
but will fail to surpass the new millennium
not a single suggestion was mentioned
about how to bring about a change
everyone jumps on the no modification
bound train once more resulting
in things staying the same;
Not to say forget the past, but
to what do we owe this session
I believe we are gathered here to promote change
but it will never be achieved
if no action is taken to revolutionize
and all we do is sit, agree and roll our eyes
reiterating the hell-like happenings of the past
and accusing others of holding us back
when it seems that self-motivation is
what we need to get on track
see we have the potential to progress
from this state of being to the desired,
but the word potential has no meaning
if there is no attempt,
and has never been sold to the top buyer.