A tender soul so beautiful…
So sweet that I weep
at the thought of you leaving…
Grieving as if death took me
as my life was filled with majesty
Tears flood my space,
spilling over with a salty taste
as I embrace every inch of your memory
that rises within me….
Flowing continually
A tender so incredible…
So blessed that God must have
held you to his chest
and then released you to become
such a heavenly princess
My goddess in life,
in mood, in love
To make you my wife would
sooth the heartache of this world
A tender soul is my Chrissandra,
as the rest of my life lies
with her,
It is molded in her touch,
Seen so much in her eyes,
And brushed with joy
as the sun rises
and she lies next to me...
Caressing me