My Angel

by Dwayne O. Foster

Cuddling the love of my angel,
Her warm as the sun-
Rising with the energy of life
   and light in angle,
I am taken by the essence
   of the most gorgeous one;
Sinking into her every breath, and
Stroking the tone of her very
I find myself deeply in-love
   with her -
Every movement ... so soft
          My angel,
          You are my love, who’s
Laughter lessens the hardness
   of life
Only you could ever hold my heart
   as tight
Vine of love around my very soul
Each moment we spend
   shall transcend
        through time as it grows

My Angel by Dwayne O. Foster

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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