In Time

by Dwayne O. Foster

Slowly...creeping through the passage of time,
              grinding the days,
                         milling through the nights
Heights of my dreams are signs
              of my sweet lady in the distance...
                   floating through the pastel mist
                   of the present
In continuance,
     she will settle into my arms
           and my lips shall kiss her tenderness...
                   the warmth of her neck,
                   the soft of her breasts

Nonchalantly, the Father of Infinity
                    walks silently between
                    the space separating her from me...
Bearing his soul in its entirety...
And I am at his mercy

In Time by Dwayne O. Foster

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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