The reddish haze of the east....
Sunlight strikes a maze
of life,
Released so effortlessly -
And it is time -
And there are no hardships
to bare,
burdens on which to swear,
Not even the pillage of warfare
could tear its fabric
As elaborate as this
fantasy seems,
It is a descriptive
of my love for you
The heat of high noon....
Sunlight climaxing across
a blue sky
The height of a magnificent rise -
Another moment in time
And my heart is exercised
like the waves of the ocean....
For, the motion of the potion
of your love is so enduring
within me
The reddish haze of the west....
Gently it descends quickly,
And time is still not impressed
with colorful trickery
Yet, I am in awe of your shadow,
For, it is a sign that I saw
form in its purest essence
Caressing my eyes as
your every breath and heartbeat
become harmony in my presence
Now, the moon has its place,
Holding its right
as a piece of dim sunlight
Set in its pace to chase
the sun across the sky
Pulling the tides....
becoming another moment in time
Coolness, as if mint....
Breezes that numb the sense
of being
Releasing the soul into the
night of...whatever-the-season
Just as when I am lost
in my thoughts of you....
Without effort -
within the reason of time