In The Absence Of Light

by Dwayne O. Foster

He walks with steps
      that penetrate deep within sweet soil;
      peeps with eyes smothered in termoil...
                 the spoils of his land;
      greets with a deep voice
               that demands immense respect...
               he has been impending in his progress
Menacing in theory...
               pushed backwards in his steps...
Yet, he comes back
        with an even more forceful lung
        as he runs to his destiny...
To rule as King 
      respectfully among his people...
            The truest definition of the Black man...
I am he who stands strong,
  poised to be the strongest of man

Proud to be the father Raven
Who's chicks flourish
             with the souls of brave men...
             Kings, and Warriors, and Slaves
And through all obstacles,
         taught that God makes it all possible

Oh yes,
I am the Black Man;
  who’s soul burns with the passion
             of a million suns;
  raining in anger by the tons;
  run from no one;
  come to rule, in spirit, 
             as one clean, black, ebony soul...
             bold in his words,
                      cold in his words,
                               sold in his words,
                                       and engulfed in his words;
  tempered only by the love
                    of his lady;
  crazy in his jealousy 
Melodies made poetry
                 sing his feelings and how they grow to be
                 stronger than the imagination
You see...
        love builds this strong Black nation

Over desert sands,
          I ran...
                     through the rain forest...
          and fanned the flies 
                  from my fellow dead brothers
                  on ships that brought me
                  closer to where I am...
This strong, intelligent Black Man

So, fear me not,
      for I have come to you
      with the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr.,
      the resilience of Malcolm X,
      and the respect of my seniors
So, understand,
      “Nigga”, I am not...
Black man, I am...
           living in the absence of light

In The Absence Of Light by Dwayne O. Foster

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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