I Missed You

by Mstbrad

I'm sorry to stare 
But I love your skin, eyes and hair
No you don't look like what I thought
And that's definitely a compliment
See I never thought we'd meet
Yes I wanted too 
It's just... I was terrified of you
The very idea of what I thought you were
Afraid you'd show up 
A frightened schoolgirl or an old whore
Opening my eyes and mind to positive images
While suffering the effects of apprehension
Well to be honest it was too much to deal with
So I avoided you for as long as I could
There was no search party or amber alert 
To look for that tall dark-skinned girl 
The one with nice legs who wouldn't wear a skirt
She was simply brushed aside behind a lot of baggage
And as mad as I am or as I might I get 
I know I put her there when she was just a kid
Because what if no one liked her
Not just then see I was thinking ahead
So I created a new persona instead
Who had friends, fun and style?
Until sorrow set in cause I realized I wasn't her friend
Breaking the rules for holy living found in
Colossians chapter 3
I put everyone first except me
So I am sorry for doubting you
But am so glad I found you
Thankfully I welcomed her back home
I kept you hidden even when I was alone
Together at last 
The sum of my future, present, and past.
Together forever even after I pass.
Full of laughter, life, and love
This realization is a gift from above
Because now I am able to express self-love.

I Missed You by Mstbrad

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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