Weaponized Freedom

by Josephine Dixon-Banks

Wholesale democracy sold as retail
Freedom is incapacitated locked in jail
Liberty in the layaway without bail
War is the prostitute on the campaign trail
Democracy for sale---Democracy for sale
Weaponized free-enterprise, impeached democratized
Imperialism to no avail
Bi-partisan politicians pimping people’s entrails
Democracy for sale---Democracy for sale
Terrorism merchandised to the highest bidder
Political policy a bi-partisan stripper
Free-trade gets paid to get laid
Open door policy is the capitalist’s charade
Civil-War ain’t civil, just barbaric
Collateral casualties are esoteric
Crimes against humanity all so generic
Warmongers copulate war but never bemoan
They pledged alliance to the scull and bones
Democracy for sale—Democracy for sale
Weaponized free-enterprise, impeached democratized
Imperialism to no avail
Bi-partisan politicians pimping people’s entrails

Weaponized Freedom by Josephine Dixon-Banks

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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