Call someone enemy to justify mass murder
The political-economical-martial means of Land Expansion
Land, sacred land inebriated by innocent Blood
The Earth’s berth-an ancestral Blood Banks
Who do we thank
Who do we thank
The greatest minds from the greatest schools rule
Tools governing domestic global good old boys
The Just Us Trust Fund
The American public must make mass manslaughter it’s mantra
The lawless nest of The Law
Bloodletting—document shredding
Look, what your votes did—go to church-forgive-forgive
Bid rigging—bid rigging
Do you solemnly sware
Privatized executive privilege privy only too
War inheritance from a war profiteer to a war, monger
What’s the drug of your choice
War, patriotism, politics, hate crimes,higher education
Marriage plus a baby carriage—coerced religion
Void of personal decision
The Just Us Trust Fund
American public must make mass manslaughter it’s mantra
Prime real estate considered national security
Feeling safe at home an act of obscurity
The acquisition of Land-an inquisition
Bombing Afganistan a fishing expedition
Walking wounded—classified imposition
Tournaments of war—never known before
Perpetrator is the business protégé
Perpetrator is the business protégé
I must needs go thru Afganistan
Ye be without personal terrorists
Cast the first bomb—cast the first bomb
I solemnly sware, so help me God
The stork dropped the bomb
To the tom tom death rhythms—to the tom tom death rhythms
The heart pulse of the indigenous
Sneak attack—sneak attack
Bush wacked—Bush wacked
Time to white balance—time to white balance
The national anthem, war is the signature song sung sovereignly
The Indian Trust Fund since 1887
The Indian Trust Fund since 1887