Release the Past Embrace the Future

by Dilys D'Gold

The past is history 
Yet we hold on to it though it causes us misery
That is not say we should forget our past 
For how do we know where to go if we don’t know where we are coming from?
The past is very familiar
Yes you’ve been there, done that and got the memorabilia
The bygone days are so so comfortable
So you would rather live in a bubble
Pretending to have got to the place you want to be
When all you really are is a wanabe 

You are afraid of the future 
Cause you know not what it holds
As your life enfolds
The irony I suppose:
Is that you are unwilling to let go of the pain, anger, and frustration of the past
All are guilty! You are certainly not the first and will not be the last

For some it was an addiction that ruined their sanity
Tore apart their family
For others a relationship that broke them down slowly
Leaving their souls destitute surely
Other folks held on to their past glory
Forgot to move on, until they became extinct 
For some to wallow in the past failures - their only instinct
While reminiscing the hurt caused by others their life passed them by
Leaving them grey and wrinkled with not even a twinkle left in their eyes

As they have nothing but dreams of what could have been
The memories of the trials their eyes have seen
If only they had kept pressing and left the past behind
And gone searching for the divine destiny God had in mind
So my friend I say again release the past
Don’t be afraid to embrace the future
Prepare for tomorrow’s adventure
For in tomorrow will today’s heartache find its cure
Is this a truth for sure?

Release the Past Embrace the Future by Dilys D'Gold

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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