I Defiant

by Denisiab

i defiant do thank God
for this ability to shake or nod
my head to express my sentiment
without fear   not to rend
the laws of  God  states  or districts
meaningless to this one which
only desires to do what's right
so  am i truly defiant
there are many laws unwritten
countless rules that are missing
created by people who seem concerned
about how i work  love  and learn
assuming that i will always follow
because others have opened and swallowed
but ill be the one who creates a fuss
proving  again  what assuming does
quite often im left alone     one
troublemaker what have you done
soon after  i discover
agreements from two   six   and another
taking a stand for my soul
is my spirits mission and goal
helping others stand    compliant
so thank you lord     i defiant

I Defiant by Denisiab

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