
by Denisiab

when i reached my age 
of self reflection
yielding sharpened knives
for my souls dissection
under layers of burdensome filth
a slash did reveal
a wealth of love         spirit
poured on my wounds did heal
in honor of 
this blessed discovery
a great celebration
did commence within me
while saying cheers
in honor of myself
i didnt allow admission
to anyone else
so to my friends  i apologize
for your contribution is priceless
to my lover  im sorry
your tenderness is truly missed
to my family  youve known me long
please forgive this wrong
to my child  i give these riches to you
may your youth  now  be a beautiful song
and  dear god  i beg
that you hear this prayer
of forgiveness for ive treated
your blessing like junkmail
this prodigal friend  sister  lover  servant
mother  daughter  cousin  auntie
does now open her soul to you
praying to  again  be a part of thee
and ask that you please 
forgive me

70x7 by Denisiab

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