We Are Free

by Mz. SouLyricSea

The sun hits our face like fresh water waves from an island's shore
We take it all in as our spirit sits and rest for a while
Our Soul starts to digest the fuel of the suns warmth
Our body lays still and remains calm as the rays caress its skin

We are free
Free of stress and the worlds impurities
Free from the judgements that people speak
Free from the grime and ghetto of the streets
We are free

Peace Be Still echos loudly as our mental slows its motors
Slow deep breaths fill our lungs over and over
Our hair is in its natural state as we lay bare
Naked as we were born to be

We are free
Free from aggravation and undying chaos
Free from the profane intelligence of those that have no knowledge to give
Free from the anxiety that we were all born with
We are free

We kiss the clouds with our eyes as we caress it with our gaze
We become one with the water as if it was our Soulmate
We cover ourselves with the sand as our blanket
We lay still because motion is not our focus

We are free
We are free to think thoughts that others may repeat
We are free to cuddle with the moon and the stars as we drift off to sleep
We are free to converse with the animal noises coming from the trees
We are free to indulge in all of natures free activities
We are Free

We hold truth to the words we speak
We hold ennosense within our speech
We hold love deep within our Souls depth
We hold fast to the need of us refueling ourselves

We rest
We are calm
We are tamed for the moment
Within this place... within this hour...
We hold fast to our relaxations focus
Nothing is running through our minds
No pain has entered our hearts
The hurt has exited our spirit
And the Soul is no longer numb
We are humbled within ourselves
Selflessly giving all our troubles to the oceans floor
We breathe in deeply... slowly... and with the confidence of joy
We smile from deep within knowing that we will heal once more
We will guide ourselves to the proper shore
Rest there as we no longer keep score
We have reset the counter because we refuse to count anymore

We are free
We are free
We... Are... Free
As we breathe, we are reassured that the hectic world, will control us no more!

We Are Free by Mz. SouLyricSea

© Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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