My Soul

by Deloris Jordan

Worked diligently day and night
sewing a pure white gown
for my precious Saviour whose gown
was tattered and worn
from so many miles
from tears from thorns

Finally finished the gown
that my saviour would wear
strong fiber to withstand the thorns 
or stones
to assure no tears
to his spirit which glows

Saw him coming up the road
seem to glide
with every step taken
as he approached I said
"Sweet Jesus, here in my arms is a armour
that will protect you with the many miles to go"

He smiled as he said
"Dear sweet child, thank you so much
for this gown of armour to repel the harsh winds
and thorns as I travel"
humbly said
"Sweet Jesus, I know your journey will be long and cold
so part of the gown is interwoven with My Soul

My Soul by Deloris Jordan

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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