When Justice Died

by Bianca Delarosa

 When justice died that day
 I cried for oh so long
 I looked for liberty and freedom
 And sang a sad sad song

Justice had been ill
 For all of my life
 Oppression and bigotry
 Her struggle and her strife

She stood upon a hilltop
 Saying she was there for all
 Just as soon as I reached her
 Lady Justice took a fall

Her wrist were shackled
 There was blood on her sleeve
 The last thing she said was,
 ‘Get off me, I can’t breathe!"

There would be no trial
 No jury to be sat
 For the ones who killed Justice
 Were the policemen on her back

When Justice Died by Bianca Delarosa

© Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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