Reach Out To Win

by Brother DeBuff

Why you laugh while I cried about what you saw
Now who was that?
Cast down like my ancestors
why can't you feel the pain
Being push in
this land you feel
Yes my tears fall for all the suffering sick
Brother and Sister
Lost in american
dream land
Land of fore father
see you saw
What i saw
You think problems funny
sick and suffering
In and out bondage
a new slave of habit
Of self hate
Our mind not free
What's wrong why can't you see?
You blind to your death
live the pain inside
your mind
Yesteday is still here
see it alive
You forget the past
chains the whip of torment
Wakeup call is coming once more
In ways you can't image
Open your heart to children
teach our tomorrows
Rise up man
Rise up woman  

Reach Out To Win by Brother DeBuff

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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