Embrace Me Dear Lord

by Deanne Renee Davis

Embrace me dear Lord while I weep
Hot tears streaming down my face because of pain that pierce so deep

If you embrace me then I know I won’t break
My cares and my fears I know you will erase

As long as I stay in your embrace
You have promised to help me finish this race

Casting my cares upon you I know is the only way I'll ever be free
So I give to you all that you ask of me

All of this hurt and all of the pain 
I'll give you every thing that tries to over take me

You said you would cast them into the sea 
You promised never again will they consume me

Now if you don’t mind I think I'll stay right here in your embrace
Because in your embrace is where I know I remain safe
Even after I've finished in first place

Embrace Me Dear Lord by Deanne Renee Davis

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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