The Lazy Hazy Sun

by Darryl Vincent Smith

The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads or so it was said,
The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads.

The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads a bright blood red or so it was said, 
The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads.

The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads a bright blood red real close to bed,
The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads.

The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads a bright blood red real close to bed our dreams it fed,
The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads.

The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads a bright blood red real close to bed our dreams it fed, 
washing our heads,
The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads.

The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads a bright blood red real close to bed our dreams it fed while washing our heads for sins it bled, 
The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads.

The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads a bright blood red real close to bed our dreams it fed while washing our heads for sins it bled the story read,
The lazy hazy sun hung over our heads.

The Lazy Hazy Sun by Darryl Vincent Smith

© Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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