Your ignorance escapes you,
as it invades my privacy
I greet you, As-Salaamu Alaikum
Peace be unto you because
I don’t know if I should slap you or pray for you
You have the audacity to ask if I’m a pork-eating Muslim
I might not be a “do the right thing” all the time Muslim
But, I’m try to pray five times a day Muslim
I’m a fast during Ramadan Muslim
I’m a non-alcoholic drinking Muslim
I’m a I won’t marry a Christian Muslim
And just because you asked,
Yeah, I’m a no pork eating Muslim
Not to be confused with a strap a bomb on my chest Muslim
Or a jihad screaming Muslim,
because I disagree with your policies Muslim
Nor am I a 1 of 4 wives Muslim
And remind me again
Who are you to ask, what kind of a Muslim I am?
Please recapture your ignorance
and next time keep it to yourself