A Man's Sorry

by C.black

Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to act that way.
I love you why you on that? 
Don't listen to what your friends have to say.
Why are you crying?
I really don't know that girl's name.
You'll get over it I said I don't know her. 
No I'm not playing any games.
I mean what I say I'm telling the truth.
I said I was sorry you don't have to believe me.
You have no proof, why don't you get a clue? I only love you.
Baby what you mean I'm not ya boo.
I already told you once so shit stop crying you always whining.
You always a queuing me you never believe what I say.
Why are you trippin?
Get off that don't believe me then you'll get over it one day.

A Man's Sorry by C.black

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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