When I Had A Man

by Denni Cravins

When I had a man

When I had a man, you were the perfect complement.

You were able to meet needs that he didn't even know about.

When I had a man, you were always around and would not relent.

You kept me company and of your feelings I had no doubt.

When I had a man, you were the one with whom I wanted all of my time spent.

You were the one I wanted, who made me think I wanted out.

Now that I don't have a man, I realize that it was all an illusion.

You were a temporary fix, a distraction; meanwhile, I had my real man on a shelf.

Now that I don't have a man, I've come to a NOT surprising conclusion.

You were never enough man for me all by yourself.

When I Had A Man by Denni Cravins

© Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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