Caesar Leo

by Corey T. Williams

Lady Lion
On a hill
Overlooking the field
With a view of the ocean
The commotion of life
And worries
Are hurried away
By a Northeastern breeze.
At ease
But not content
With the law of her land
Her lover
Her man
Her design
His plan
And created
To tie their future
Lady Leo’s heart’s in a suture
She longs to have a suitor
The soother of her soul
The rock to her roll
The star for her show
Like and unlike
Daylight and darkness
The hardest part of this
Her life’s not a compass
Able to find her North
And bust 
For love or lust desired.
Caesar Leo admires the dawn
Rising sun in the East
Creeps new day’s freshness on this beast
Of beauty and power.
Sexy lioness
Is not alone on her quest
A Storm brews in the East
But coming 
Not loud
But humming
Steady and drumming
A companion
A champion
That’s his reflection
And completion.
And heavily armed
All alarms ringing 
And blaring
Caesar Leo rises while staring
To confront the Storm
To confront her future…

Caesar Leo by Corey T. Williams

© Copyright InDBlack Publishing, 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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