Everyday...My Way

by Constance M. Williams

Questions… we all have ‘em
What was intended for me when I was created?
Was my life meant to be and endless quest for meaning and purpose?
Was part of the plan that I would always miss the mark? 
Collecting lessons from every missed mark?
I want my eyes to see, clearly, what's meant for me
With my heart feeling it entirely, exactly the way it's supposed to be
No more existing in complacency
Neither doing it the way everyone thinks I should, 
you know...the accepted reality
It hasn't been working for me
My life is about the beauty, comfort and peace I create
It's about love, laughter and worrilessness filling my plate
It's about being different, unusual and maybe even strange to some
It's about so what--- We Are All One
It's about me doing me no matter what it tastes like to you
I'm doing me just go on … delight in you
I may not get it all just right but I'm trying like hell not to fail
So I’ll grow... stretch... everyday
breathe... love... everyday
live... laugh... everyday
cry if I need to everyday
dry my eyes when I'm done everyday and do it all again when I'm done
everyday... everyday... my way
Until the day peace, love, joy, laughter, comfort, 
and worrilessness fill my plate 
and I'm full from the meal I just ate
Until everyday I'm full from the meal I just ate
Until everyday I no longer worry about you judging me 
'cause I refuse to judge you
Until everyday peace, joy, love, laughter, comfort 
and worrilessness begins and ends with me
And I'm full from the meal I just ate
And hunger no longer fills my plate
Everyday... Everyday... Everyday
Until I know, I'm not so different at all
And you know I'm not so different at all
And we know we all are no different at all

Everyday...My Way by Constance M. Williams

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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