The Man That I Want

by C'Moore Productions

My man doesn't have to be "hard",
just strong enough to defend my honor.
My man doesn't have to be a "brain",
just smart enough to recognize a good thing.
My man doesn't have to be overly sensitive,
just romantic enough to realize
that intimacy has very little to do with sex.
My man doesn't have to be rich,
just considerate enough to share what he has.
My man doesn't have to be my follower,
just responsible enough to lead me in
the right direction.
My man doesn't have to be a religious fanatic,
just fearful enough of God to
always do the right thing.
My man doesn't have to be "built",
just caring enough to look his very best for me.
My man doesn't have to be sexually somber,
just faithful enough to play out
his fantasies with only me.
My man doesn't have to always back down,
he just has to be logical enough to compromise.
My man doesn't have to serious,
but should know how to be when necessary.
My man doesn't have to be with me 24/7,
but should love me enough to enjoy
it if he had to be.
My man doesn't have to take on my lifestyle,
but should enjoy some of the same things that I do.
My man doesn't have to be old-fashioned,
just mature enough to challenge me.
My man doesn't have to be an optimist,
just positive enough to keep himself motivated.
My man doesn't have to tip-toe around my feelings,
just tactful in his presentation of criticism.
My man doesn't have to be "all that",
just humble enough for me to think he is anyway.
My man doesn't have to reach all of his goals in life,
he simply has to have them.
My man doesn't have to be perfect,
just understanding enough to know that neither am I.

The Man That I Want by C'Moore Productions

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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