Sister...You Hurt Me So

by C.L. Crouch

Sister you hurt me so with the little things you do...
Not only only does it bother me, 
but subconsciously you're harming you too.

Sister you hurt me so, disrespecting yourself with whorish attire...
For when I see you dress like that, my respect is hard to acquire.

Sister you hurt me so, constantly dissing me without fail...
You fall in love with brothers who treat you like trash, 
and he only sees you as a quick piece of tail.

Sister you hurt me so, because I know of our sexual tendencies...
but I cherish the gift between your legs, 
so don't tease me when I try to maintain our reformed virginity. 
You feeling me?

Sister you hurt me so, trying to help effectively raise a son 
produced by another brother...
but when I correct him in his mischief,
you quickly remind me you are his father and mother.

Sister you hurt me so and your insults to my manhood cut deep...
then you wonder why you are left all alone...
but the things you sow you will inevitably reap.

Sister...You Hurt Me So by C.L. Crouch

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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