From Me To You

by Kimberly Chevette

Sometimes at night when I look to the sky
I start thinking of you and ask myself why
Why do I love you? I sit and I smile
Because I know that the list can go on for miles
The sound of your voice the warmth of your touch
So many little things that make me love you so much
The way you support me and help with my emotions
The way you care and show such devotion
I love the way you say "I Love You"
The way you're always there
I love the way you make me laugh
The ways you show you care
I could go on for days, telling you how I feel
But, all you really need to know is my love is for real
What we have now is so much more than I ever thought we would
And I love you so much more than I ever thought I could
It's weird to feel this way about someone I barely know
All I know is it didn't take long for this love to grow
Were less than a couple, but a lot more than friends
And if nothing ever comes of this, still my love will never end
You tell me how much you love me, and how you want me to be your wife
Our situation drives me crazy because I want you to stay a part of my life
Whatever this situation turns out to be
I just want you to know, already in my eyes

From Me To You by Kimberly Chevette

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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