The Lawyer

by Cherie McIlwain

He said I can get you out of this mess
When it comes to crime I am the best
He smiled and when he grinned
He showed all of his teeth
They were beautiful straight white and neat
He said yeah the system wants
to hold a brotha down
I've seen it many times in this racist town
He cautioned that his help would come at a price
He said they would be in for the fight of their life
Iwas confident and relieved
When I wrote that huge check
But now as I sit her with time to reflect
What it really comes down to
is that the guy sold me out
The only skills he had was
running game with his big mouth
The proscecuting attorney put me through hell
and now I sit here in my dingy jail cell
When my sentence was handed down to me
I saw him standing there cool as can be
I know when I'm released from here
that I will definitely be back
because this man is going to get payback
and those are quite frankly the facts

The Lawyer by Cherie McIlwain

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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