What Do I Write For?

by Charles Fox Jr.

I write for the moral
who cannot express their feelings through the oral
I write fr single mother's coping
for those who've given up hoping
I write for the dead who never recieved their penance
I speak for the obliterated, who are nothing but mere remnants
I am an oracle of the devine
and a moment trapped in time
You ask why I write?
Why do I waste my ink?
I write for the conformed
who have become too afraid to think
I write for those stranded
though surrounded by people
I write for the oppressed 
when they are supposed to be equal
I write for the unheard
though it may sound absurd
I can say more than a book
without using a single word
what is it you ask?
that is for you to decide
all I need is an ear to listen
and a heart in which I can confide
I write for the sun
that nourishes my poetic soul
I am writing for the down-trodden
who have lost sight of their goal
Why do I write?
because I have something to say
and this art of expression
is the light that leads my way
I write for the abused
both physical and mental
I write for my people
and all the shit we've been through
don't ask why I write
because existence is simply a story
but if you do insist
I write for peace of mind 
and not merely for the glory
there is nothing to be gained or lost
the price of love is high
and I cannot pay the cost
so if you wonder why I write
why does my mind continuously concieve?
well, I see you've lost faith
and I am giving you a reason to believe.

What Do I Write For? by Charles Fox Jr.

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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