Love doesn't love me.
I want it so bad I can taste it.
I can smell it.
I long for it because I'm lonely.
I wish I had someone to love.
I give all of me willingly
but the person I do love doesnt
give me the time of day.
He doesnt answer my phone calls.
Damn probably never really loved
me anyway.
Plays too many games
should cherish me for who I am
not what I can do.
Maybe it was all a lie.
Im hurting my emotions have failed me
The long distance thing never works.
I dont want to know...
but im inquiring
are his actions telling me that he's not
being faithful?
I keep telling myself hes not cheating
But guess what the truth hurts.
We all know thats true.
Ive never been in love
im admitting it today.
The idea of actually being in love
has captured me as its prey.
Everyone around me has seemed
to find thier soul mate
accept me...
I have come to the conclusion that
maybe love has never loved me.
Maybe love just isnt meant for me.
but time and time again it has
captured me in its clutches.
Too many times I have let love play
me for a fool.
I'm no longer looking for love
this time im just going to let it find me.
But then again
love has no guarantees.