This Old House

by Cindy Chaffold

Under the stairs
Tucked away
Behind some drawers
They used to pray

They came in the night
They hid from the day
Underground railroad
Back in the day

When freedom rang
If you were brave
You would run
To be free

Under the stairs
Tucked away
Behind some drawers
A room hidden away

Only big enough
For just a few
A stop on the way
A place to wait

For those too weary 
To travel on
For those that needed 
To escape the dawn

The old house held secrets
A glorious past of giving freedom
She found the room
Afraid to go in and when she did

All she found 
Tattered rags to the naked eye
No history to unfold
But the old house knew

Freedom hid in the tattered rags of blankets
Waiting for nightfall
The Underground Railroad
Under the stairs...tucked away

This Old House by Cindy Chaffold

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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