Mama's Brew

by C. F. Hatten

In your face I see a brand of courage
Hot irons of strength burn in your flesh
Even though the system has worn you down
Even though life has beat you around
It’s in your eyes, too, when they sparkle like diamonds
against a black velvet sky & the prayers you pray for me
& the things you want my life to be

I see in your face a recipe of heritage
The cheekbones of Cherokees
The structure of the Gambia
The silhouette of Yoruba
The resistance of England and Spain 
where red men & black men & unknown & unnamed men
all combine ingredients that simmer in your smile

I see in your gray hairs calling me back to you
that touch of antiquity rising like an everlasting flame
A touch of longevity
A touch of good bones
A touch forever burning with wide-open love
In the songs you’ve sang to me
In the dreams you’ve dreamt for me
In honor of your love

Mama's Brew by C. F. Hatten

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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