Scream, Release

by Catherine Butterfly

SCREAM, RELEASE it,  just don't hold it in. 
Holding in stuff has destroyed a lot of godly women and men. 
Holding things not meant to be, can cause you to commit some terrible sins. 

Don't let it fester, don't let it grow, 
If it ain't good for you, it can't be right for you. 
No matter how good it felt to you.

Give it to Jesus Christ, Now let it go.
He'll take the pain, if you but truly give it to Him and let it go. 

I love you. Yes I am nosey. But I am free.
I let go of all that ache and pain festering inside of me.

Scream! Father, Father, take this hurt and pain it's killing me. 

Stop hesitating, ain't no shame in giving it to God. 
He understands pain and broken hearts.

Try it Friend! and you'll see. Cause from it, only God can set you free.

I love you!. I Ain't trying to hurt you.
I Just want you to heal, and release the pain, 
that's bounding you, locking you up inside, 
when God's right there beside you, 
to release you, heal you and set you free.

 JESUS wepted, now do the same.. 
He'd remove all that's pain,
 from your heart, body and brain.

The memories won't hurt no more if you 
but give them to Jesus Christ and let it go.

I love you! God love you!. 
So many more love you.. 
Now we just need for you to love you.

Scream, Release by Catherine Butterfly

© Copyright 2018. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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