
by Erika Burt

    That song "You" by Raheem Devaughn
    Makes me think
    And when I do I realize
    I need to turn my thoughts from you
    Make sure I don't back track
    To you
    Stop selectively thinking on the good

    When the bad out weighed it
    With you
    Memory is a tricky thing
    When not submitted to reality
    Now it gets cast down
    Blocked from being erected
    Revisionist history held captive
    To avoid the same games with you

    Funny though...
    Now thinking about you makes me think about Him
    The way He loves me
    Mistakes, flaws, idiosyncrasies and all
    You remind me of how I can give love
    With nothing in return but deception
    He reminds me that I am loved
    And graced with protection
    Its sweet how that Raheem Devaughn song
    Makes me think of you
    Because now when I do I realize
    I need to turn my thoughts towards Him
    And make sure to keep it moving

You by Erika Burt

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