I Can't Afford (to Love You)

by Erika Catiz

I can't afford
To love you anymore
The cost is way too high since
The joy of your smile is so intense 
And I am not always convinced it’s 
Because of me
I can’t afford to love you anymore
Truth is…I only had a little bit to spend on it
And I gave you all I had, borrowed more
And gave that to you to 
But I still don’t quite have enough
I can’t afford to love you anymore
Even if I Fed Ex my love you never receive it 
The gift box brings you smiles and, yes, you are mesmerized
But my love stays tossed to the side
…just like an infant does when given something special 
You just play with the wrapping
I can’t afford to love you anymore
Hell, I could barely afford to give you myself on credit
And now I know I can’t afford it anymore
The interest rate is too damn high 
And to make it worse, I have lost the receipt 
So my heart is yours….and I can’t even afford it.

I Can't Afford (to Love You) by Erika Catiz

© Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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