A Public Hanging

by Sharon Thomas Cash

A politician said at a public hanging she would be on the front row
but whose hanging would it be? I think we already know
but what if it was a hanging of injustice and inequality?
would you stand on the front row along with me?
I would dodge rocks and bullets and any other attacks
if the public hanging wasn't only meant  for blacks
I would text all my friends on Twitter and Facebook
If only to see the nation's number one crook
I'd be straining my neck to get a good look
How tight is that noose? Don't let it be loose
They made sure it was tight - when they hung our human rights
For what or for whom would you stand on the front row to see?
Poverty? Incarceration? Police brutality?
Let's see hunger and genocide dangling from a tree
Yes for these hangings I would be there to see
Yet hoping these hangings would help us be free

A Public Hanging by Sharon Thomas Cash

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