Wake up. Wake up. Turn on your light.
Something about this story just aint right
About what you think you know about who you are
Purposely made to be loved and cared for
A peculiar lost tribe from a biblical war
Who changed the lanes and put stop signs at the light?
Something about this story just aint right
As far from the truth as your misguided youth
Listen to me as I tell you a truth
I am from the Ancient of Days
a dragonslayer, A king, a queen
A creation made of eternal things seen and unseen
You seek after riches not knowing your soul is your gold
This truth was known to devils from ancient days of old
Do you think yourself peculiar? A misfit of sorts?
You are privately owned and special with blood you were bought
Beautiful, full of melanin. Dark as the night.
Something about their history just aint right.
In your heart of hearts deep down you know who you are
The truth about the story is we are the real righteous stars