
by Victor J. Carroll

The rhythms taps gently on my mind
the music is melodic and beautiful
each verse whispers my name.

I hear those sounds day and night
causing me to shudder from the sheer
beauty of each note.

Feeling and breathing the soft lush
sounds soothes my inner being taking
over my entire body creating havoc
and quenching the thirst of my desires.

I hear the rhythms loud and clear
tap, tap, tapping easing my heartfelt
soul taking me to euphoric heights
building up to a cresendo bursting
with tenacity.

I am dancing to the rhythms of life
moving musically through my own eternal

Rhythms by Victor J. Carroll

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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