Don't Hate My African Locks

by Carmen

It's been pressed, it's been long, it's been short, it's been gone
So many different looks, sometimes right, sometimes wrong
The crowning glory of a woman,yea, that's what they say
But who's to say it has to be straight and to sway
What's wrong with it natural, twisted or dread;
does it intimidate, disgust or is it not sexy in bed,
When the Afro first came out some thougth it was cool
some thought we were crazy and called us fools,
What's wrong with your head, girl you need a perm
Yea, we went through hell to get it to flip and to turn
and then came the jerri curl, whoa! where was the logic in that
If it was cold, we wouldn't put on a hat
We wore french rolls, pony tails and now we have braids
It looks good and you can wear them in so many ways
Not much is more inportant than a black woman's hair
Except God, her children, her momma, they're way up there
Well, her man is important if he treats her nice
and that includes getting her hair done, no matter the price
Still there's something to be said for the African style
it's a connection to sisters far away, thousand of miles
not just in the present, but in the past here and there
as a reminder of the shackles, that exposed and laid bare
The labels put upon our parents struggling for our rights
the endurance and tears when they continued to fight
So we could have the freedom to choose our own style and dress
and not be ridiculed because we didn't look like the rest
See it's my choice to wear an afro, dreads or twisted knots
It's my pride that's at stake, don't hate my African locks.

Don't Hate My African Locks by Carmen

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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