Don’t shed too many tears
Just remember for Christ I lived
Celebrate my life by getting to know God
Then I’ll see you again in our father’s house
Don’t worry about the worldly things I left behind
They were only meant to comfort me for a little while
Naked I came into the world naked I shall leave
I’m going to a better place where the material things are not needed
When I’m Gone
Don’t hold on move on let God be your strength don’t mourn
I was only allowed to come to earth to fulfill my purpose for the Lord
Find your purpose in God he’s waiting for sure
Don’t allow the devil to keep you locked up behind life’s door
That’s not what God created you for
When I’m Gone
I’m sure I’ll be missed by some
To my enemies I say to you I prayed that you would find God
and then experience his love and peace
Don’t go to Hell by not learning to forgive
Life’s too short and your life has meaning
Will you open your heart to Jesus?