I See The Things You Do

by 1st Poet

Dear God I'm writting about what's on my heart
All the double standards place on the lost stolen Africans in America
Some of our brothers and sisters want to forget our past
They say things like I wasn't born in Africa I'm American now
All this opportunity I'm not going back no way
God they seem to forget the price that was paid
Millions of Africans who died being caught 
by the white man and turned into slaves
Thrown into the sea like a fisherman using bait
They did not think twice about the life of  an African
Taken to a land where they had never lived beaten 
and chained like a hunted deer
God how can we become so wrapped up trying to become like them
That we have forgotten about our own internal pain 
the lingering effects of slavery
We wonder why our kids are so messed up 
because we have not taught them the truth about our struggle
We rather create a new identity called African American

I See The Things You Do by 1st Poet

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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