I've been searching and searching for agape
No where can she be found
Not realizing I had her all the time
The more I searched "Torah"
The more of miss "chochmah" I find
We were perfect together she and I
We were friends but I couldn't trust nobody
She knew the deeper knowledge I kept inside
I was hiding hurts of the past covered up with pride
Yet she refused to show herself to me
I had to search for her in "Torah" before she would appear
She refused to let me see I was a gift
She said I was hurting my own self because of fear
We would on occasion sit together and share tears
She would embrace me and whisper scriptures in my ear
Instantly I was healed and my heart no longer wept with tears
She said "ABBA" sent her when the time was right
He wanted me to know that he is the perfect agape