My Man Don' Love Me No Mo'h

by Carlos F. Carter

my man don' love me no mo'h
he comes home from work
looks at me
and heads out the do'h
i try to please him, treat him right
have his suppa ready
and keep him warm at nite
he been workin hard these days i know
but i swar,
my don' love me no mo'h
maybe anotha gal don got in his face
must be that
seems i don' fell far from grace
oh, but i'll win him back
i'll change my ways
things been a lot hard on me these past days
chillin need feedin, household chores got me down
then when i needs support, my man aint ta be found
yeah, i bet he thinks i'm blind
don' no  whats goin on, bet not be no otha heafa,
or both them fools be gone
listen chile,  i aint no fool
and i cain take this fa long
he better be here by sun up ta three
or he'll find his bags packed
on the front porch ya see
now, i DO love my man
so don' you get me wrong
i just cain take these kinda carrins on
he's mine foreva and i'll keep him that way
in good times or bad no matter what they say
my man stands tall, built, and black
taint nothin my man lacks
but the love for me that once burned in his eyes and in his touch
oh dear lawd how i miss him so much
i'll just keep my head up and pray to the sky, dear lawd, dear lawd,
don' let our love die
cause there's one thing on earth that got me worried fa sho' is simply
that my man don' love me no mo'h.

My Man Don' Love Me No Mo'h by Carlos F. Carter

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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