Come Too Far To Turn Back Now

by Carla Marie

I’m on my way... to my own personal... on the inside...
celebration... ya know?
cuz I realized... 
I already did the tuffest jobs I’ll ever do... 
I done raised my kids... 
loved my loves... 
bumped my head... 
learned my lessons... 
fought my fights... 
forgiven my foes... 
and finally...finally... 
my... self.. 

And I’ve come far... 
a long loooong way...
but I know I still got a long way to go...
I just might get me a push-up bra... 
and a low-cut blouse...
and maybe a weave... and some New Journey shoes... 
for my new journey.. some new high heels will 
certainly do...
heels high enuf to make my
thighs stand out... and
my ankle turn just so... and
my hips sway when I step... and 
my skirt tail snap when I pass... and
when I pass...
I’ma give a little look over my shoulder... like this...

so you can see... 
that I saw you see me...

But I’m just gon give a LITTLE look
cuz I can’t look BACK 
for TOO long!
see, I might be tempted to TURN back... 
an try to 
re-do somethin’... or
explain somethin’... or
fix somethin’... or
cry over somethin’... 

And I’ve just plain come too far!!!
Baby... I’ve
Come too far to turn back now...
and still got a long long way to go...

Come Too Far To Turn Back Now by Carla Marie

© Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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